Thursday, September 27, 2007

Being an NRI

Some thoughts on being an NRI (Non-Resident Indian) in India. Please note that these are my thoughts only!

  • Its hard to look the part. I'm an Indian-American, dressed in traditional garb, but I don't speak the language and don't know the customs. I am constantly expected to know every prayer, ritual, holiday, etc. When I don't the look of shock on people's faces is priceless.
  • I'm tired of talking about marriage and I haven't even been here for one month! I don't care what the custom here I am not of marriageable age and as a matter of fact no one will determine what that 'age" should be but me!
  • Its hard to know what my gender role is, even though people expect me to know it! I have to be home at a certain time, know who is okay to talk to, etc etc. Sometimes I think it would just be easier to look totally foreign, then I would have an excuse for not knowing!


Unknown said...

That's the one thing I'm not looking forward to when I come to India. Yes, I have a job. Yes, I have an apartment. Yes, I'm almost 30. No, I do not have a boyfriend and I'm not giving my birth date so you can match my horoscope up with my future husband.

Emily said...

What? I thought you were already someone VERY SPECIAL.