Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Things at work....

Are staring to pick up slowly. One of the field workers (Pulli) will now be based out of the Dharwad office which is great! It means that I can help him with grant reports, collecting of data, reporting and in turn I get to go to the field. It is what they call in the US a win-win (I had to say this, people at work use it all the time). Which brings me to some funny phrases in English that I've heard at work:

  • Put down the glass meaning Roll down the window

  • I really banged him meaning I yelled at him severely

  • She/he is a crack person meaning That person is not nice

  • Shaking of the head from sided to side meaning yes, no, or maybe
Back to work. My favorite part of the day is lunch. I eat with the accountant and the office assistant. We all bring dubbas (lunch boxes) open them up and share. Now I don't know much Kannada but I do know the words for food, plus I can eat rice with my hands, this has earned me mucho brownie points. The first time the sharing happened I was confused because they piled the food into my tiffin, and then didn't take any of mine, until this week. This week people took food from my dubba. Its not much but I'm counting it as a victory.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

or "slow the volume" (meaning turn down the volume).an oldie but a goodie.