So we are in festival time people. October brings Dasara, next month Diwali. Dasara is different all over India, in fact its not even called Dasara everywhere, but since I'm in Karantaka and that's what they call the 10 day 9 night festival, lets go with it.
Dasara celebrates the triumph of truth over evil and the marriage of Laxmi to Visnhu as my family has told me. They also told me other things, but the names they were saying were very long and I couldn't process it fully. Dasara celebrations vary all over India but in Karnataka Mysore is the place you want to be and that's where me and 5 other Americans were!
We stayed with my cousin Padma her two sons and my uncle. They were amazing to us and showed us around Mysore-the Princely State. Celebrations for Dasara started in Mysore around the 15th Century, so its safe to say that its a time honored tradition. The palace is lighted for all 9 nights and is truly a spectacular sight. The last day ends in a huge parade that draws 1000s of people. 1000s and 1000s. A lot of people. We saw the parade away from the downtown area which was much safer! All in all, despite some delhi belli, it was a wonderful trip! My family is amazing and I'm gald some of my friends got to meet them!